Do you feel happiness is eluding your home? Are the kids not focusing on their studies? Are the husband-wife tensions perturbing you? There is a simple solution for all such problems- the wind chimes.
A wind chime is an effective tool in Feng Shui for rectifying the vaastu doshas or defects. They infuse lot of positivity in the environment. They suppress all the ill luck at the place where they are used and bring in lot of positivity. The tinkling sound that emanates from the wind chimes attracts the positive energy and spreads it all over the place thereby attracting all the prosperity.
The wind chimes are made up of different materials like ceramic, metal, wood etc. Each one of it has its own significance.
Metal wind chimes work best when hung in the north, north-west or west directions. When they are hung in the north direction, they tend to increase the career opportunities. When they are hung in the west direction they invite all the good luck in your children’s lives and help them in bringing honor to you and the family. When the wind chimes are hung in the north-west direction they bring in all the luck of your mentors into your life.
Wind chimes made of wood are best when hung in south, east and south-east direction. It brings fortune and money, growth of the people residing in the place and fame when hung in the respective directions.
Ceramic wind chimes are suitable for the north-east, center and the south-west. However, hanging the chimes in the south-west corner is not good for romantic luck.
Dr. Padmaja, vaastu expert suggests avoiding hanging the chimes in the toilet or the store room as they attract negative energy.
The wind chimes not only produce a soothing tinkling sound each time someone opens the door but also attracts positive energy and entices the people entering the place.
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